Hello, I'm Justin
I'm just some random guy who likes dwelling in the obscure parts of the internet. I enjoy everything that's mildy technology oriented and plan on getting a CS degree pretty soon
For fun I program in bash, rust and python and read articles on the web. I've also decided to start blogging on this website and to post guides about technology to help other people out.
I'm currently using a pc from the late ~2006 era that only has two gbs of ddr2 ram, a 160gb hdd and an intel pentium dual E2160. I got this old pc from my school and plan on getting multiple upgrades for it.
Anyway I hope that you enjoy my simple blog
First Post
This is my first post on this website, for this post I'll be going more in details over the things that I plan on doing about this website and about what configurations I use.
I currently plan on making this website a blog website but also a website where I'll be storing my playlists, my guides and just make it a general multi purpose website
Consider this as my home on the internet
Now onto the configurations that I use, personally I use debian 11 on a 64 bit pc (specs can be read in the intro post) and run dwm in accordance with st and pale moon as my browser. That's really the few only apps that I currently have. I haven't rice dmuch dwm because of my lazyness and because I don't find patching C source code very amusing. So for now I'm running vanilla/stock dwm which is fine for light coding and for light web browsing.
Of course I'd start configuring dwm seriously if I ever had the need to do some other stuff than basic browsing.